Serbian Sisters Circle - Saint Elijah Merrillville logo. Hands open as to hold the Serbian Orthodox cross.

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Become a member of St. Elijah Circle of Serbian Sisters - Kolo Sestara

Yearly membership is $20. You must be a member or married to a member of the St. Elijah Parish, and be baptized in the Orthodox faith, and in good standing with the church diocese.

  • Devoted, loving and ambitious, the ladies of St. Elijah Cathedral in Gary, Indiana, established the Crkveno Kolo on March 8, 1964 taking the Krsna Slava, Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost).

    From the very beginning when the Kolo Sisters purchased and equipped the kitchen at the old church at 4101 Adams Street, Gary, Indiana to the most recent purchase of Frescoes for the Cathedral Dome, as well as the many numerous contributions over the past 60 years, it is evident of the continued devotion of our Sisters commitment as the next decade com­mences!

    True to our original purpose from 1964 to the present, our Kolo continues to support all endeavors and every function that St. Elijah Cathedral undertakes.

    As we enter the next decade of existence, we again pledge to work diligently and with faith and devotion for the growth and progress of our church school community. We pray future anniversaries show a record of continued love and understanding and let all past work and labors be an example to our children who are the future of our St. Elijah Cathedral.

  • The dedication of our Kolo to aid and support all undertakings of the church are evident by their generous contributions to every aspect of church life. Knowing their role was to contribute to the church and assist in all areas, the women enthusiastically worked tirelessly to fulfill their purpose. In doing so, their 60 years of commitment is evident in all their endeavors.

    Over the last sixty years, numerous requests were made of the Kolo and they were always ready, willing and able to oblige! Upon construction of the new parish hall, St. Elijah Serbian-American Bicentennial Hall, Kolo became its first founding member. As the need for kitchen equipment was evident in the new hall at 8700 Taft Street, Merrillville, Kolo disbursed $32,000.00 to purchase the modern kitchen equipment, dishes, silverware, and other needed accessories.

    In October, 1983, St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Cathedral was built and once again, considered as the " right hand of the church", Kolo automatically became its first founding member committing that all monies raised shall be given to St. Elijah Cathedral for continuing improvements and progress. Four chandeliers for the new Cathedral were purchased by Kolo and installed prior to the church conse­cration October 29, 1983.

    When the decision was made in 1983 to build the new parish home, Kolo quickly stepped forward and purchased all necessary furniture to decorate the liv­ ing room and dining room including all draperies. Throughout the years, when needed, Kolo continued to fulfill its responsibility in keeping the home pristine and up to date by replacing and purchasing everything needed for the home for the comfort of our priest and his family and the many visitors and guests hosted by our parish.

    Entertaining and hosting were not foreign to the Kolo sisters. Every event that was hosted by the church found the Kolo ladies assisting in all ways to ensure smooth preparation and enjoyment for everyone. Over the years various fundrais­ers such as annual Serb-Fest, SNF Basketball, Golf and Bowling Tournaments, as well as the annual Church Slava were all supported by the Kolo's assistance.

  • President – Deana Borovich

    1st Vice President – Susan Grubnich

    2nd Vice President – Zaga James

    3rd Vice President – Helen Malinovich

    Secretary – Dawn Maksimovich

    Financial Secretary – Mary Anne Milak

    Treasurer – Marianne Milich

    Member at Large – Lori Horst

    Sunshine – Milka Popovich

    Audit - Protinica Snezana Novakovic, Terry Stojic, Stephanie Andjelich

  • Bake Sale Chairpersons - Zagorka James, Slavka Manojlovic

  • Prior to departing this earth at the Ascension, our Lord gathered His faithful followers and gave them His final commands: "Behold;" He said, "I send the promise of My Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high:"

    After the Saviour's ascent to heaven, the Apostles, the rest of the Dis­ciples, the pious women who were accustomed to follow him from the begin­ning, his most holy Mother the Virgin Mary, altogether about one hundred and twenty souls, returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. They gathered in the upper room to await the coming of the Holy Spirit, continuing in prayer and supplication.

    On the corresponding Sunday, which is the tenth day after the Ascen­sion, and the fiftieth day after the Passover, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where the Apostles were sitting. And immediately there appeared to them cloven tongues like as of fire, and sat upon the head of each of them. And all those who were there were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak, not with the tongues of their ancestors, but with the other tongues with which the Holy Spirit supplied them as He inspired them.

    Jerusalem was packed with people for the feast. They had come from about eighteen different nations and tongues, such as Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and others. When they heard the sound from heaven, descending to where the Disciples of Christ were gathered, they all hastened to find out what had hap­pened. They were amazed and marveled as they heard the Apostles speaking in their own languages.

    The apostle Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and spoke before the multitude, explaining that what had happened was not due to intox­ication, but to the fulfillment of God's promise. He preached Jesus of Nazareth, explaining with many proofs that He was Christ the Lord Whom the Jews cruci­fied and Whom God raise from the dead.

    This then is the object of the present Feast, namely, the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world, the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus Christ, and the completion of the undefiled Disciples' hope. It is the sequel and the conclusion of the Feasts of the great mystery of the Divine Incarnation. On the day correspond­ing to this day of salvation, the day of Pentecost, the Saviour's Apostles, who were formerly simple fishermen and illiterate, were suddenly instructed by the advent of the Holy Spirit, becoming possessed of the greatest wisdom and speaking plainly of heavenly doctrines. they became preachers of truth and teachers to the whole world. From that day they began the work of their great mission, the won­derful and delectable first-fruit of which was the conversion of three thousand souls on that very same day.